Ellen UllmanSocial Links Navigation Latest articles by Ellen Ullman Lifelong Learners: How Teachers Develop New Skills and Improve Their Practice By Ellen Ullman last updated 23 February 20 Just as teachers and parentswant students to keep learning,administrators want teachers to keepimproving. District Tools THE NEWEST BADGE OF HONOR By Ellen Ullman published 25 October 17 Although digital badging isn’t mainstream yet, the districts that are already doing it say that their teachers are responding quite favorably. STIR IT UP By Ellen Ullman published 25 October 17 Blended instruction takes on many forms, but districts agree that it’s a winner for teachers and students. How Can IT & Curriculum Work Better Together? By Ellen Ullman published 13 October 17 For this roundtable, T&L spoke with some IT leaders and—to keep us truthful—we invited a curriculum leader to share her experiences, too. We hope you’ll learn from their insights. QUICK THINKING: HOW SCHOOLS TURN DATA INTO KNOWLEDGE By Ellen Ullman published 13 October 17 Take a look at how these schools analyzed data to work on everything from attendance to social emotional learning. How Schools Make “Making” Meaningful By Ellen Ullman published 29 August 17 What’s the difference between a makerspace and a great makerspace? Prep School By Ellen Ullman published 29 August 17 How District Leaders Are Revamping the Curriculum to Better Prepare Students for the Real World ISTE TAKEAWAYS By Ellen Ullman published 28 July 17 DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP LESSONS FOR EVERYONE By Ellen Ullman published 28 July 17 A look at how districts are educating teachers, students, and families on this perennially important topic. T&L's ISTE Takeaways By Ellen Ullman published 29 June 17 Like all things Texas, the San Antonio show floor is large, which makes it easier to get around and find what you need. Here are some of our T&L advisors' top takeaways fromISTE 2017. SHE BELIEVED SHE COULD… By Ellen Ullman published 20 June 17 How schools are encouraging girls to enter STEM fields LEADERS OF THE YEAR 2017 By Ellen Ullman published 20 June 17 GAME CHANGERS: TECH&LEARNING’S 2017 LIST OF MOST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE IN EDTECH By Ellen Ullman published 20 June 17 Some of these names will be familiar. Many of them will not. All of them are doing work that will ultimately affect the way you teach and students learn. MEASURING STUDENT PROGRESS By Ellen Ullman published 26 April 17 CALLING ALL CODERS By Ellen Ullman published 26 April 17 Why Programming Is Essential to All Curricula CREATING A CULTURE OF INNOVATION: AN EXCERPT FROM T&L LEADER By Ellen Ullman published 26 April 17 “You can’t mandate innovation,” says Joe Sanfelippo, superintendent of Fall Creek (WI) School District. BEST PRACTICES FOR YOUR 1:1 By Ellen Ullman published 30 March 17 You’ve handed out devices to students. And to teachers. SAFEKEEPING IN 2017 By Ellen Ullman published 23 February 17 In the days following the presidential election, the press reported an uptick of cyberbullying. THE BUSINESS OF EDUCATION: AN EXCERPT FROM THE SCHOOLCIO NEWSLETTER By Ellen Ullman published 23 February 17 Today’s CIO needs to do much more than make sure the infrastructure is solid. MAGIC BUS : IN TEXAS, THEY DO EVERYTHING BIGGER, INCLUDING WIFI EXPANSION By Ellen Ullman published 31 January 17 LET THE LEARNING BEGIN By Ellen Ullman published 23 August 16 We know makerspaces are still growing in popularity, but we were curious to hear how schools are reinventing rooms and spaces to accommodate other types of learning. Here are three such stories. SHELF SPACE & STORAGE SOLUTIONS By Ellen Ullman published 21 June 16 In the summer of 2015, the two middle schools in the Barbers Hill (TX) Independent School District were getting Acer 740 Chromebooks for all of their classrooms. THE NEXT DIMENSION: VR & AR IN SCHOOLS By Ellen Ullman published 28 April 16 MAKING THE GRADE: HOW SCHOOLS ARE CREATING AND USING MAKERSPACES By Ellen Ullman published 24 March 16 NOT YOUR GRANDFATHER’S LIBRARY By Ellen Ullman published 23 February 16 1 2 3 Archives Tech & Learning NewsletterTools and ideas to transform education. Sign up below.* To subscribe, you must consent to Future’s privacy policy. MORE FROM TECH & LEARNING...1How Innovations in K-12 Education Have Evolved Over the Years2One High School Teacher's Strategy For Using AI to Enhance Learning3How AI Can Help Special Needs Students Better Express Themselves4StudySync: How to Use It to Teach5AI Resources for District Leaders
Lifelong Learners: How Teachers Develop New Skills and Improve Their Practice By Ellen Ullman last updated 23 February 20 Just as teachers and parentswant students to keep learning,administrators want teachers to keepimproving.
THE NEWEST BADGE OF HONOR By Ellen Ullman published 25 October 17 Although digital badging isn’t mainstream yet, the districts that are already doing it say that their teachers are responding quite favorably.
STIR IT UP By Ellen Ullman published 25 October 17 Blended instruction takes on many forms, but districts agree that it’s a winner for teachers and students.
How Can IT & Curriculum Work Better Together? By Ellen Ullman published 13 October 17 For this roundtable, T&L spoke with some IT leaders and—to keep us truthful—we invited a curriculum leader to share her experiences, too. We hope you’ll learn from their insights.
QUICK THINKING: HOW SCHOOLS TURN DATA INTO KNOWLEDGE By Ellen Ullman published 13 October 17 Take a look at how these schools analyzed data to work on everything from attendance to social emotional learning.
How Schools Make “Making” Meaningful By Ellen Ullman published 29 August 17 What’s the difference between a makerspace and a great makerspace?
Prep School By Ellen Ullman published 29 August 17 How District Leaders Are Revamping the Curriculum to Better Prepare Students for the Real World
DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP LESSONS FOR EVERYONE By Ellen Ullman published 28 July 17 A look at how districts are educating teachers, students, and families on this perennially important topic.
T&L's ISTE Takeaways By Ellen Ullman published 29 June 17 Like all things Texas, the San Antonio show floor is large, which makes it easier to get around and find what you need. Here are some of our T&L advisors' top takeaways fromISTE 2017.
SHE BELIEVED SHE COULD… By Ellen Ullman published 20 June 17 How schools are encouraging girls to enter STEM fields
GAME CHANGERS: TECH&LEARNING’S 2017 LIST OF MOST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE IN EDTECH By Ellen Ullman published 20 June 17 Some of these names will be familiar. Many of them will not. All of them are doing work that will ultimately affect the way you teach and students learn.
CALLING ALL CODERS By Ellen Ullman published 26 April 17 Why Programming Is Essential to All Curricula
CREATING A CULTURE OF INNOVATION: AN EXCERPT FROM T&L LEADER By Ellen Ullman published 26 April 17 “You can’t mandate innovation,” says Joe Sanfelippo, superintendent of Fall Creek (WI) School District.
BEST PRACTICES FOR YOUR 1:1 By Ellen Ullman published 30 March 17 You’ve handed out devices to students. And to teachers.
SAFEKEEPING IN 2017 By Ellen Ullman published 23 February 17 In the days following the presidential election, the press reported an uptick of cyberbullying.
THE BUSINESS OF EDUCATION: AN EXCERPT FROM THE SCHOOLCIO NEWSLETTER By Ellen Ullman published 23 February 17 Today’s CIO needs to do much more than make sure the infrastructure is solid.
LET THE LEARNING BEGIN By Ellen Ullman published 23 August 16 We know makerspaces are still growing in popularity, but we were curious to hear how schools are reinventing rooms and spaces to accommodate other types of learning. Here are three such stories.
SHELF SPACE & STORAGE SOLUTIONS By Ellen Ullman published 21 June 16 In the summer of 2015, the two middle schools in the Barbers Hill (TX) Independent School District were getting Acer 740 Chromebooks for all of their classrooms.