Carol S. HolzbergSocial Links Navigation Latest articles by Carol S. Holzberg Snagit 2018 By Carol S. Holzberg published 30 January 18 MacOS High Sierra 10.13 By Carol S. Holzberg published 30 January 18 Readiris Pro 16 By Carol S. Holzberg published 31 August 17 Many states require districts to retain administrative records for a certain number of years. Kurzweil 3000 By Carol S. Holzberg published 28 April 16 Kurzweil 3000 is a suite of digital tools designed to help students who struggle with reading, writing, study skills, and test-taking. Review of Kurzweil 3000 Web, V14.21 By Carol S. Holzberg published 25 April 16 This suite of digital tools is designed for literacy support and students who struggle with reading, writing, study skills, and test taking. Adobe Acrobat Pro DC Student and Teacher Edition By Carol S. Holzberg published 28 January 16 Although Adobe recently beefed up its free Acrobat Reader, that version still does not allow for PDF creation or text and image editing. Wrise By Carol S. Holzberg published 24 February 15 If you require particular reading and writing support unavailable with your current Mac word processor, then perhaps AssistiveWare’s new Wrise word processor may be the right choice for you. Kurzweil 3000, V14, Web Edition By Carol S. Holzberg published 25 September 14 Products available in the Kurzweil 3000(K3000) family include standalone andWeb-license versions for Windowsand Mac, and a network version forWindows servers. Adobe Voice and Office Mix By Carol S. Holzberg published 30 July 14 Project-based learning for K-12 students has received aboost with Adobe Voice and Office Mix, two new storytellingapplications from Adobe and Microsoft. Read&Write Gold for Mac Version 6 By Carol S. Holzberg published 30 July 14 Microsoft Office for iPad By Carol S. Holzberg published 30 May 14 In late March 2014, Microsoft releasedlong-awaited versions of Office forApple’s iOS platform. Adobe Creative Cloud By Carol S. Holzberg published 26 February 14 In early summer 2013, Adobe revamped its product line byconverting its desktop applications into a subscription-basedonline experience known as Creative Cloud (CC). T&L Reviews Windows 8.1 By Carol S. Holzberg published 3 January 14 Product Review: Windows 8.1 By Carol S. Holzberg published 11 November 13 The Windows 8.1 upgrade brings several fixes and improvement to the Windows 8 icon-based interface. Texthelp By Carol S. Holzberg published 26 August 13 Read&Write Gold for PC bundles severalelectronic tools in a flexible floatingdesktop toolbar with customizable supporttargeting skills for reading, writing,research, and study. Office 2013 Professional By Carol S. Holzberg published 23 April 13 Microsoft OfficeStandard2013 andMicrosoft OfficeProfessional2013 are twotools for achieving learninggoals. Product Review: Office 2013 By Carol S. Holzberg published 17 April 13 These suites enable users to create and share written work, spreadsheets, charts, and electronic slideshows more easily than ever before. Product review: Pixorial By Carol S. Holzberg published 4 November 12 Pixorial is a Web-based movie editor and hosting service with friendly options for tweaking, organizing and sharing clips uploaded from desktops, digital cameras and Webcams. Pixorial By Carol S. Holzberg published 29 October 12 Pixorial is a movie editor and hosting service withfriendly options for tweaking, organizing, and sharingclips uploaded from desktops, digital cameras, andWebcams. Apple Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8) By Carol S. Holzberg published 26 September 12 Since 2007, iOS features, apps, and signature manipulations through multi-touch gestures have increasingly appeared in OS X. Apple Mountain Lion OS X 10.8 By Carol S. Holzberg published 20 September 12 SNAP&READ By Carol S. Holzberg published 27 June 12 Don Johnston’s new Snap&Read delivers text-to-speech in a simple package that installs as a two-button toolbar floating over any open desktop or laptop application. LABQUEST 2 By Carol S. Holzberg published 27 June 12 Vernier’s new LabQuest 2 handheld data collection interface connects to over 70 optional probes and sensors to support STEM education and motivate self-directed learning. ADOBE CS6 MASTER COLLECTION By Carol S. Holzberg published 27 June 12 Product Review: Adobe CS6 Master Collection By Carol S. Holzberg published 17 June 12 Users already familiar with Adobe’s popular CS applications will find some welcome improvements in CS6 Master Collection. 1 2 3 Archives Tech & Learning NewsletterTools and ideas to transform education. Sign up below.* To subscribe, you must consent to Future’s privacy policy. MORE FROM TECH & LEARNING...1Class Companion: Teaching With The AI Grading and Tutor Tool 25 Ways to Create Career-Ready High School Spaces3Edtech Show & Tell: March 202544 Brand New AI Tools For 2025 With The Potential to Change Teaching 5Why We Need More Personalization in Education
Readiris Pro 16 By Carol S. Holzberg published 31 August 17 Many states require districts to retain administrative records for a certain number of years.
Kurzweil 3000 By Carol S. Holzberg published 28 April 16 Kurzweil 3000 is a suite of digital tools designed to help students who struggle with reading, writing, study skills, and test-taking.
Review of Kurzweil 3000 Web, V14.21 By Carol S. Holzberg published 25 April 16 This suite of digital tools is designed for literacy support and students who struggle with reading, writing, study skills, and test taking.
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC Student and Teacher Edition By Carol S. Holzberg published 28 January 16 Although Adobe recently beefed up its free Acrobat Reader, that version still does not allow for PDF creation or text and image editing.
Wrise By Carol S. Holzberg published 24 February 15 If you require particular reading and writing support unavailable with your current Mac word processor, then perhaps AssistiveWare’s new Wrise word processor may be the right choice for you.
Kurzweil 3000, V14, Web Edition By Carol S. Holzberg published 25 September 14 Products available in the Kurzweil 3000(K3000) family include standalone andWeb-license versions for Windowsand Mac, and a network version forWindows servers.
Adobe Voice and Office Mix By Carol S. Holzberg published 30 July 14 Project-based learning for K-12 students has received aboost with Adobe Voice and Office Mix, two new storytellingapplications from Adobe and Microsoft.
Microsoft Office for iPad By Carol S. Holzberg published 30 May 14 In late March 2014, Microsoft releasedlong-awaited versions of Office forApple’s iOS platform.
Adobe Creative Cloud By Carol S. Holzberg published 26 February 14 In early summer 2013, Adobe revamped its product line byconverting its desktop applications into a subscription-basedonline experience known as Creative Cloud (CC).
Product Review: Windows 8.1 By Carol S. Holzberg published 11 November 13 The Windows 8.1 upgrade brings several fixes and improvement to the Windows 8 icon-based interface.
Texthelp By Carol S. Holzberg published 26 August 13 Read&Write Gold for PC bundles severalelectronic tools in a flexible floatingdesktop toolbar with customizable supporttargeting skills for reading, writing,research, and study.
Office 2013 Professional By Carol S. Holzberg published 23 April 13 Microsoft OfficeStandard2013 andMicrosoft OfficeProfessional2013 are twotools for achieving learninggoals.
Product Review: Office 2013 By Carol S. Holzberg published 17 April 13 These suites enable users to create and share written work, spreadsheets, charts, and electronic slideshows more easily than ever before.
Product review: Pixorial By Carol S. Holzberg published 4 November 12 Pixorial is a Web-based movie editor and hosting service with friendly options for tweaking, organizing and sharing clips uploaded from desktops, digital cameras and Webcams.
Pixorial By Carol S. Holzberg published 29 October 12 Pixorial is a movie editor and hosting service withfriendly options for tweaking, organizing, and sharingclips uploaded from desktops, digital cameras, andWebcams.
Apple Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8) By Carol S. Holzberg published 26 September 12 Since 2007, iOS features, apps, and signature manipulations through multi-touch gestures have increasingly appeared in OS X.
SNAP&READ By Carol S. Holzberg published 27 June 12 Don Johnston’s new Snap&Read delivers text-to-speech in a simple package that installs as a two-button toolbar floating over any open desktop or laptop application.
LABQUEST 2 By Carol S. Holzberg published 27 June 12 Vernier’s new LabQuest 2 handheld data collection interface connects to over 70 optional probes and sensors to support STEM education and motivate self-directed learning.
Product Review: Adobe CS6 Master Collection By Carol S. Holzberg published 17 June 12 Users already familiar with Adobe’s popular CS applications will find some welcome improvements in CS6 Master Collection.