Brett ClarkSocial Links Navigation Latest articles by Brett Clark The 3 Rules of Improv That Will Change Your School Culture By Brett Clark published 5 May 17 Then there are those meetings when you're like Richard Dreyfuss in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. 5 Lessons From A YouTube Expert By Brett Clark published 28 April 17 Success is a marathon and not a race. Three Things I'm Looking Forward to in 2016 By Brett Clark published 20 January 16 This past summer I was able to visit the Affton School District, where I got to see their collaboration room. Check out theRoom 15 websiteand get inspired! Vision, Buy-In, and Sustainability By Brett Clark published 9 October 15 There are three things that stood out to me about the people I learned about during this visit. They hadvision,buy-infrom their followers, andsustainability. He's a Bad Kid By Brett Clark published 24 November 14 You see, like many classrooms, my son starts his day on a certain color. If his behavior is defined as good behavior, then he gets to move up a color. One Semester into Our Chromebook Initiative By Brett Clark published 15 July 14 Yes, you can hand out 6,000+ Chromebooks in 3 days. Technology Issues vs Behavior Issues By Brett Clark published 8 July 14 Just a little something I wrote on my wall this morning. What to Expect When Expecting Technology #edtech #edchat By Brett Clark published 3 July 14 There are amazing similarities between starting a family and bringing innovation into the classroom. The True Cause of Distraction By Brett Clark published 30 June 14 What all is going to be blocked on these devices? Because, students are going to be easily distracted. Tech & Learning NewsletterTools and ideas to transform education. Sign up below.* To subscribe, you must consent to Future’s privacy policy. MORE FROM TECH & LEARNING...1How Innovations in K-12 Education Have Evolved Over the Years2One High School Teacher's Strategy For Using AI to Enhance Learning3How AI Can Help Special Needs Students Better Express Themselves4StudySync: How to Use It to Teach5AI Resources for District Leaders
The 3 Rules of Improv That Will Change Your School Culture By Brett Clark published 5 May 17 Then there are those meetings when you're like Richard Dreyfuss in Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
5 Lessons From A YouTube Expert By Brett Clark published 28 April 17 Success is a marathon and not a race.
Three Things I'm Looking Forward to in 2016 By Brett Clark published 20 January 16 This past summer I was able to visit the Affton School District, where I got to see their collaboration room. Check out theRoom 15 websiteand get inspired!
Vision, Buy-In, and Sustainability By Brett Clark published 9 October 15 There are three things that stood out to me about the people I learned about during this visit. They hadvision,buy-infrom their followers, andsustainability.
He's a Bad Kid By Brett Clark published 24 November 14 You see, like many classrooms, my son starts his day on a certain color. If his behavior is defined as good behavior, then he gets to move up a color.
One Semester into Our Chromebook Initiative By Brett Clark published 15 July 14 Yes, you can hand out 6,000+ Chromebooks in 3 days.
Technology Issues vs Behavior Issues By Brett Clark published 8 July 14 Just a little something I wrote on my wall this morning.
What to Expect When Expecting Technology #edtech #edchat By Brett Clark published 3 July 14 There are amazing similarities between starting a family and bringing innovation into the classroom.
The True Cause of Distraction By Brett Clark published 30 June 14 What all is going to be blocked on these devices? Because, students are going to be easily distracted.