Bob SprankleSocial Links Navigation Latest articles by Bob Sprankle Kindle Re-Kindled By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 This Week's Shares by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 Who has the Right? by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 I've been using a new LiveScribe pen for several weeks, and I must say, I love it. It's an amazing tool, and what I would have given to have such a device when I was back in college, taking notes. Get Ready for TEDxRedmond by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 Room for Innovation? by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 There's Never a Snow Day in Cyberspace by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 Crazy Good by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 Taking it Home with Self-Directed Learning by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 An Open Letter to #TEDxRedmond Presenters by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 Netiquette By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 Overload? by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 Play Time! (Please Don't Cry) by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 What's Your Backup Plan? by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 For Those About to Rock, WE are with You! by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 Dragon Dictation: Review and Survey by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 Not MY Ning! by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 This Will Go Down On Your Permanent Record by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 The Internet is Forever... Sort of... by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 Share the Infinite by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 Tell Your Story by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 "A Google A Day" Turns Search Into Play by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 To Shred, or Not To Shred... by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 What Should They See? Part II by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 The Band's Getting Back Together by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 Roughly 25 years ago, I used to have a full head of hair, a thinner waistline, only one chin, plenty of free time for just "hanging out," and belonged to a handful of Rock n' Roll bands. Some of the Reboot. Restart. Rewrite. by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 1 2 3 4 Archives Tech & Learning NewsletterTools and ideas to transform education. Sign up below.* To subscribe, you must consent to Future’s privacy policy. MORE FROM TECH & LEARNING...1Edtech Show & Tell: March 202524 Brand New AI Tools For 2025 With The Potential to Change Teaching 3Why We Need More Personalization in Education4How Innovations in K-12 Education Have Evolved Over the Years5One High School Teacher's Strategy For Using AI to Enhance Learning
Who has the Right? by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 I've been using a new LiveScribe pen for several weeks, and I must say, I love it. It's an amazing tool, and what I would have given to have such a device when I was back in college, taking notes.
The Band's Getting Back Together by Bob Sprankle By Bob Sprankle published 21 October 11 Roughly 25 years ago, I used to have a full head of hair, a thinner waistline, only one chin, plenty of free time for just "hanging out," and belonged to a handful of Rock n' Roll bands. Some of the